LPV Musical – 21 February 2022
We continue to sing socially distanced and for, some of the rehearsal, with masks on. We ask that everyone takes a lateral flow test before the rehearsal.
It was quite a small turn out – half term holidays, stormy weather and illness – but we pushed on practising the new items as well as revising previous repertoire in preparation for the concerts.
Warm up activities focused on the importance of musical phrasing, ensuring the stress is on the right syllable of a word eg VALl e y, BLOOm i n g
- Celebrate
- We continued to practise the clapping to aid accuracy and memory.
- Order: Initial clapping section just once to start, sing v1, then v 2 & 3 to be sung as a continuous round (back to Bar 9 after v2). At end of v3, first singing group to repeat ‘our music’ in Bars 19/20b to let second group catch up. Then straight into singing ‘Ah’ and clapping section to the end.
- A Flower Remembered (John Rutter)
- We revised the notes, rhythms and how parts fit together for whole piece – slow and reflective.
- Important to phrase words and sing sections musically egreMEMber , observe the dynamics, crescendo & diminuendo
- Observe the pause at Bar 40
- We threw it all away
- We sang this through to practise syncopated rhythms and entries
- S&A to sing ‘Doo’ sections quietly at Bars 37 and 70 and similarly for T&B at Bars 45 and 78. Let the tune and words come through.
- All will be well (Will Todd)
- We revised what we had done in previous week
- Observe crescendo Bars 34 through Bar 35 and Bar 43 through Bar 44
- All will be well (Juliet Prager)
- S&T sing top part, A&B sing bottom part. Note repeats for section A and for section B
- First verse – words are ‘All will be well’. Second verse – words are ‘You’re here with me’
- Phrase the piece musically
- Keep me
- At A – mp first time and mf second time
- At B – f first time and mp second time
- Emphasise the word SHield
- In section A, at first and second time Bar 10 observe crescendo