We rehearsed in a new venue this week and possibly for the rest of term, the church of Our Lady of the Assumption, which was warmer, very convenient for parking and for other facilities. The acoustics were different and it took some time to adjust. We practised the following:
- Angels’ Gloria
- We confirmed who was singing which part when the top line divided into 3
- Throughout be careful to observe the rests
- Care with singing ‘Gloria _ in’ (NOT ‘Gloriarin’)
- No breath in last phrase Bar 108 to end
- From Bar 27 – 32, sops and altos sing mp as accompaniment to men
- In Bar 42, pronounce as ‘Bethlehem’ (NOT ‘Bethleehem’)
- I’m Dreaming
- We continued to practise the notes, the rhythms and how different parts fit together.
- At B, Bar 39, observe the repeat sign and go back to the beginning for v2. Note particularly the notation for the different words in each verse
- At B, sops and altos sing the ‘Doh’ accompaniment notes, separately but gently and mp
- Throughout, be careful of syncopated rhythms, observing rests and correct note lengths and accurate entries for different parts
- The Gift
- Chorus 4, Bar 82 onwards – we practised how parts fit together for this section with the ‘Ah’ accompaniment in top 2 lines. Take care to observe the rests.
- We practised v2 on p5. Bar 47/48 breathe either after ‘frankinsence’ or after ‘myrrh’ to prepare for next phrase tosing f ‘on gold’
- Ring the Bells
- We worked on saying and then singing rhythms for v3 starting at A-C
- From B starting at Bar 12 note the different rhythm for sops, observe the rests in each bar between phrases for sop, alto and tenor lines and crescendo for all.
- Transition at C from end of v3 to v4 – note key change and piano short intro. before ‘He is born’
- Joy to the World
- First verse sing f, second verse sing mf and third verse sing ff
- Be careful to make words fit the notation eg Bars 10/11
- Sing through the phrases in Bar 2 and Bar 7
- Sops and altos – sing clearly but lightly in Bar 12 -14