The Beat of a Different Drum
- Pgs. 8 & 9 bars 94 – 106 practices the ‘loo loo’ section
- Atlo & bass get first note bar 96 from S &T – C# down to B
- Remember to slur ‘loo’ and keep it smooth
- Sang through whole piece – keep it moving
- Remember to watch Mary intently at the end as we will be getting faster and stronger – should be able to do the last part (from bar 127) by heart so can watch
Djembe player needed – Mary will bring a drum next week for anyone interested to have a go at playing rhythms.
Halima Pakasholo
- Response – on second halima, keep the ‘ma’ very short
- For response S & T sang melody 1, A & B sang melody 2
- Small group volunteered to sing call (Mary will confirm groupings later)
Gypsy Rover
- Sang straight through
- Ladies sing in a ‘mocking’ way
- Page 3 from last bar to the end, looked at each part individually
- Last 3 notes for everybody staccato (short) and piano (quiet)
- Beware of subtle differences: Altos bar 33 – not same rhythm, Basses bars 34 and 35 not the same as before (split)
- Sang through from bar 27 to end
This is Me
(Possible solo at beginning and end)
- Sight read from bar 17 in unison (all men together as Baritones)
- Be aware of rhythms and RESTS!
- Learnt from bar 29 onwards in parts (oh oh oh section)
- Mark bottom of page 6 as quick change of rhythm over page
- Be careful to sing ‘OH’ (open mouth) and not ‘Whoh’
- Bar 43 – ladies unison
- Bar 45 – middle and bottom ladies ‘glo’ notes should be tied as Sops and men are
- Sang from bar 47 – same as before
- Learnt from bar 59 to 76
- Sang through all new material
Let Love Shine Through
- Looked at bar 19 last note through to 27 and learnt each part
- Practiced putting the different parts together in different combinations then put the whole section together
- If you have rests, sing them loudly!