Mary reminded us that there are only 7 more rehearsals before our next concerts on 15th and 17th June.
As I walked out
We noted the dynamics of the various parts through the piece, depending on who has the tune.
Letter A: Sops have tune, they are mf, rest are quieter
Then, in bar 9, Tenors have the tune
Bar 17, letter C, Basses have tune
Note these throughout the piece.
Altos mirror the tune for many sections.
Practised Letter A to C
Note the starting word ‘As’ and start with an open mouth, having breathed well before the note.
Basses watch bar 18, especially ‘pass and’
In bar 9, S and A hold their notes on ‘there’ until T and B start singing.
There are point in the piece where the timing changes from 3/4 to 4/4. This allows for breathing!
Love leadeth me
Practised verse 5 on p7 where Sops lead and other parts repeat their part.
Watch rhythm towards the end ‘dwelling place shall be’
Sops breathe after ‘more’ in bar 90, T in bar 92, A in bar 95, and B in bar 96.
Then, on the last ‘be’, need to take breaths in the word as it is such a long note.
Looked at verse 4, p6.
In Bar 60, T + B have the tune
Altos watch the word ‘anoint’ in bar 71
S + A note the rest in bar 69 and breathe here.
This has swinging quavers throughout the piece.
All practised the bass part from bar 13 on p 14, noting the pattern.
Bar 22, ‘Shock’ – A, T + B have same rhythm here.
Basses need to watch the last ‘Dabas’ in bar 21, and ‘Da’ in bar 22, leading straight into ‘Shock’
Do not hold on to ‘frock’ in bar 24 – it has 2 rests after it.
Bar 28, bass guitar here has extra notes to lead Basses into ‘Robin’ in bar 29.
P3 last note, Altos lead into tune ‘when Robin’
At very end, the word ‘blues’ drops down
Need to watch all the rests in this piece and not hold on to notes too long.
We are the champions
Sang through this to recall it.
Need to listen to the audio recordings when they are sent out.